Our 20th Class Reunion was held in August, 2001, at Tan Tar A Resort. That alone brought back many good and bad
memories, and not just of High School. Scared to death that no one would know who I was, I found my name tag and was
greeted warmly by Kenny Homm.
I sought out a friendly face, but it was more like looking at a room full of celebrities! S-T-A-R-I-N-G, I
couldn't stop staring! Everyone looked exactly the same, just older, and for some, none the wiser (hee hee hee!).
Once I found the EE Rowdies, I felt a little more comfortable. Being spouseless (Bill refused to go, even when
I threatened to drag his cold, lifeless body by his tie), I felt somewhat lonely, and wanted the evening to be over.
Who ever thought having a LIVE BAND was a good idea obviously hadn't been night clubbing with people you hadn't seen
in awhile, because it was almost pointless to try to talk and catch up with anyone.
The best part of the evening was when we all gathered for the group picture, and Geri Westhoff showed up with her BIG
hair - LATE. In the back of my mind, I was thinking she'd landed that lucrative contract for Longhorn Steakhouse as
the Big-Haired Lady...
Stacy Stover was wearing HEELS, and managed to look model perfect in them, even though she was about 6'2.
Rhonda Lundell Masters and Nancy Kuse (Chris's wife) were most hilarious once they got themselves unwound with a few
cold beverages of the adult nature.
The night got late, and I had a long drive back home (funny how my adult days mirror my High School days!). Also,
my son, who was posing as my date, had blown through his bribe money at the arcade, and was getting bored.
Overall, I enjoyed my night out with the old gang, and sort of look forward to doing it again in 2006, or 2011!